Countries where there is never night: Our earth is still full of very strange things. There are some things on our earth about which we may never even know or even believe. Today we are going to tell you about some such countries where sometimes there is night. This country is very beautiful and a very good country because there are very few countries where there is never night and there is a day for 24 hours.
The beauty here is very popular. And people come from far and wide to see these countries so that they become happy after seeing their beauty, so let’s go on this fun journey. Let us tell you which are the countries in which there is no night and here What effect does it have on the people of India these countries have all the luxuries like light, electricity, water and many more.
Most people do not know that there is a country where there is never a night, so let’s go to this fun place. You have traveled and you tell people about those countries. If you are interested in knowing such news then stay with us, thank you.
Our earth is full of many strange things and there are some countries on our earth where the sun remains shining for 24 hours. There is no night here, if it is there then it is for a few minutes. The first country among them is Norway. Norway is also known as the Land of Midnight Sun and this country is very beautiful and cool to look at.
In this country, daylight lasts for 76 days. It is night here only for a few minutes. Between May and July, the sun sets at exactly 12:43 pm and after 40 minutes the sun rises again at 1:30 am, hence there is never a night in this country. According to scientists, it has been found out from astronomy that the Earth rotates at an angle of 66 degrees and hence due to its inclination, there is a huge difference between day and night and this is the reason why here But there is no night and there is only night here for a few minutes.

Norway is a country located in the European continent which is very close to the northern sun, hence a lot of cold flows in this country and this country is one of the very cold countries. You get to see snow or snow etc. and people come from far and wide to see this country from mid to late July and if you also want to go here then you too go here and see this country. When the atmosphere here and there, the weather here appears much more beautiful to see, thank you
Our earth is full of very strange things, among them there are some countries where there is never night. The name of this country is Finland. It is a very beautiful country and the people here are also very happy. In Finland, you can sleep in 24 hours. The sun rises for 23 hours and sets only for 1 hour in the morning and this phenomenon continues for 73 days from then till August.
The sunset here is very beautiful and people come from all over the country and abroad to visit this country. Because when the sun does not set for 73 days, the weather here is very beautiful. Finland is also very famous because of its districts. The districts here are very big and beautiful due to which people also vote in those districts and so on. Here the sun remains out for 73 days.
People here work in summer and sleep more in winter because it is very cold here in winter and the sun does not even come out and the sun stays out for many days. There is no way out, so these people sleep in summer and enjoy this season, hence Finland is a very good country in itself. It is a Nordic country located in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. If you also want to visit here, then go here between June and August and you will enjoy a lot.

It is never talked about here. Among all those countries, there is one more country whose name is Alaska. This is a country which is very beautiful and here people come from far and wide to visit this country because this country has some strange qualities. While you might not believe it, here from May to July the sun sets at 12:00 in the night and comes out again after exactly 51 minutes, that is, out of 24 hours, the sun remains here for 23 hours and this country has a lot of
It is beautiful here, people come from far and wide to see this thing because the sunset here is very beautiful, but there is one thing about Alaska that will surprise you a lot, here in Alaska. The sun does not set from May to July, and from the beginning of November, there is night here for a month. Here there is a continuous night for a month. The sun does not rise. This is a very strange thing and the polar nights here are very beautiful.
That attracts people a lot, that is why people come here from far and wide to this country from July till the beginning of November to see this country. Here you can also see many beautiful things. And the people here are also very nice. You can have a lot of fun here. You come with your family. This country is located in the western United States, on the northwestern border of North America. is a state. If you also want to go here then you must go here and enjoy the seasons here.

There are many such things on our earth that we don’t even know about. There are some things which you will be surprised to hear. Among them, in this article, we have told you about some countries where there is no night.
This country is very beautiful till the time and people come here from all over the country and abroad to see the same thing, why there is no night here but it happens for a while, 23 hours out of 24 hours is day here. And there is night only for 1 hour, that is why people here consider this thing strange.
Out of them, your countries are Norway, Alaska, and Finland, these are the countries where there is no night for 2 to 3 months at this time. A lot of people come here to visit this country because the beauty of the sunset here is very good and sometimes it is also a cold area, here you can enjoy your summer holidays a lot and if you also Yes, if you want to go then you can also go with your family and enjoy this place.