First rain on the earth?


First rain on the earth?: Have you ever wondered where so much water comes from on our Earth according to science there was no such thing as water on our Earth, so where did so much water come from on our Earth and where is so much water present in the oceans? How did it rain on Earth for the first time when there was no water on our Earth then where did the rain come from?

Today we are going to tell you how it rained on our Earth for the first time where all this water comes from and how much water is there in it. How much water is potable for us and how much water is useless for us? So without any delay let us start with how the first rain was produced in the sky. Most people do not know that water does not exist on our earth. Where is all this water? So let’s start

How was water born?

When there was no water on our Earth, then where did the water come from? About 4 billion years ago, some such event happened due to which water originated on our Earth. About four billion years ago, our Earth was born.

After a few years during birth, Very large meteorites were hovering over our Earth and these meteorites were not just one or two but thousands in number and they were also huge.

Out of those thousands of meteorites, any one meteorite contained water. These meteorites were present and got absorbed into the rocks of our Earth which had water in them. There were many more such meteorites that got absorbed into the rocks of our Earth in which water was present.

First rain on the earth?
ImageSource: Gettyimages

How did the first rain happen?

We have come to know from where the water on our earth came from but where did so much water come from on our earth in those rocks there is not as much water as we have on the earth till now. They are using water, which was water on the meteorite and when that meteorite hit the rocks the water got absorbed into the rocks, then as time passed, volcanoes started erupting on the earth and all this continued like this for many years.

Then whenever volcanoes started erupting somewhere, the temperature on the earth started increasing due to which the water stored in the rocks started coming out and all this water got collected in the earth’s atmosphere in the form of vapor and by taking out water from all the rocks which had water in them, the earth was formed.

After many years, when the temperature of the earth came down and the earth cooled down, then the accumulated rainwater started falling on the earth in the form of rain and this rain did not last for one or two years but for 10000 lakh years, that too continuously. Due to this such huge oceans were created on our earth.

Freshwater: A Precious Resource

While the oceans dominate Earth’s water supply, freshwater is what sustains life on land. This includes the water in lakes, rivers, groundwater, and glaciers. However, freshwater makes up only a tiny fraction of Earth’s total water – about 2.5%. And of that, the majority is locked up in ice caps and glaciers, with less than 1% readily accessible for human use.

Water, Water Everywhere, But…

Despite Earth’s seemingly abundant water resources, access to clean and safe water remains a pressing issue for millions of people worldwide. Pollution, climate change, and overexploitation are threatening the quality and availability of freshwater sources, underscoring the importance of conservation efforts and sustainable water management practices.

First rain on the earth?
ImageSource: Gettyimages

This thought comes to the mind of many people that when there was no water on our earth, then where did this rain come from, how did water come to our earth, so today we have told you all this very well in this article that there is water on our earth.

Where did it come from, then how did the water turn into rain, and for how many years did it rain on the earth, This helps you a lot because water is an important part of our life, through which we may not be able to survive due to lack of water in the future.

There is going to be a lot of water, so for the beginning of the future, let us start saving water today because there is very little water on our earth that is potable, so all of you should use water properly so that we never have any problem of water in our future. Please tell us how you liked any article by commenting. Thank you.

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